
CLIENT: Naval companies

Simulation applied to the naval sector

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Fluid dynamic simulation has application in multiple sectors, and one of them is the naval sector.

The uses are very varied, ranging from calculating the forward resistance of a vessel to simulating maneuvers.

One of the main advantages of applying simulation is that we can obtain more information than we would obtain from a channel, in less time and without the need to manufacture a scale prototype. This is very useful mainly in the design phases, since it allows different configurations to be validated quickly.

Estudio CFD comportamiento helices de un barco, se ven líneas de agua atravesando las hélices

Naval maneuver simulation

Thanks to CFD tools we can evaluate the maneuverability of a vessel in the design phases without having to carry out costly tests.

This type of simulations are not only applicable in the design phase, they are also useful to be able to reach sea trials with the certainty that the vessel complies. This is very interesting not only because of the economic savings by not having to repeat them, but also at a reputational level, since these tests are usually carried out in the presence of the shipowner.

In the video we show an example of the simulation of the Zig-Zag test, although there is the possibility of simulating the evolution circle, the spiral, course stability, “pull out” or any type of maneuver.

storytelling naval maneuver simulation

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