About us

Company of engineering, advanced technology and design that combines innovative thinking and innovation to offer quantifiable advantages to the people, processes and systems of the industry.

We develop innovative solutions to respond to your needs and help you move forward towards the digital age.


Develop technological solutions that allow the productive improvement of our clients.


Be an international reference in the development of innovative solutions.


Responsibility and concern for the correct execution of the activity.


Ingeniacity's main differentiation is the contribution of creativity and ingenuity to the solutions. Not only do we apply advanced engineering and technology, but in addition to having the technical capacity to develop the solution, we have a multidisciplinary and highly creative team that finds different and disruptive solutions. Generally, design and engineering are two areas that work separately. For example, a design company proposes different solutions, but in many cases difficult to implement; and an engineering firm presents standard solutions to problems. Thanks to the team that integrates Ingeniacity, we are able to combine both, achieving optimal results.



Since its beginning, Ingeniacity has always been a committed company that tries to have a positive impact on its customers, employees, the environment and society in general.



Social Projects

University projects


Logo asociación MetaIndustry

We belong to MetaIndustry4 , a new cluster concept oriented to companies and global value chains related to the advanced manufacturing of metal industry.

Logo asociación Hub Defensa

We are members of  TECHNOLOGICAL BUSINESS ASSOCIATION OF ASTURIAS  whose objective is to increase the presence of Asturian suppliers in the supply chain of the defense sector.

Logo asociación Aemac

The Spanish Association of Composite Materials AEMAC  is constituted by the integration of Companies, Research Centers, Universities and Professionals that carry out activities related to composite materials.

Logo asociación Nafems

NAFEMS It is the largest engineering community in terms of modeling, analysis and simulation at an international level. Focused on the practical application of numerical engineering simulation techniques.


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    63739 street lorem ipsum City, Country


    +12 (0) 345 678 9



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