
CLIENT: Several

Simulation applied to the industrial sector

Logo Ingeniacity Industrial

The applications of simulation in the industry are endless, as well as the advantages that its use can bring to an organization.

With simulation we refer to both structural simulation, such as fluid dynamics, and processes.
Throughout our history, we have helped companies in the design of their products, in the verification of the correct operation of their machines before the construction of the same and in the resolution of problems that are detected. This detection of problems before manufacturing represents a very important saving for these companies, both economically and in time.

Imagen de zona industrial expulsando contaminantes al medio, lucha contra la contaminación

Project development

As a success story, we can show the Triditive, AMCELL printer structure calculation project.

This project made it possible to check the behavior of the structure in each of the loading options that the machine has for its transport, avoiding any problems that might arise.

In addition, the weight of the machine could be optimized, which is of great importance when transporting it.

Cálculo estructural de impresora 3D, esquema de cargas sobre la estructura

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    +12 (0) 345 678 9


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