
CLIENTE: Several

Engineering and sport

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The level of demand in the world of sports is increasing every day. Therefore, collaboration between sport and engineering is increasingly important.

The objective of this collaboration may be different:

Below are some application examples.


Perhaps it is the sport in which collaboration with engineering is best known. At Ingeniacity we have developed various projects that serve as examples:

  1. Dual stage roof and spoiler

    Design of carbon fiber parts in which the aesthetic component is of great importance. In the case of the spoiler, the functional part is of great importance and was validated through CFD and FEA simulation.

  1. Engine mount

     The design and manufacture of a custom carbon fiber engine mount was carried out. Different technologies were used for its development, such as topological optimization and finite element simulation, without forgetting the aesthetic design.

  1. Intake

    This project aimed to design a carbon fiber intake that sought to increase the power of the vehicle, improve the aesthetics of the intake and filter box and change the sound of the car. The result was very satisfactory, with a power increase of 10CV and a very attractive aesthetic.

  1. Aerodynamic simulation

    There are several projects carried out in this area since our beginnings. The example shown in the photo is the simulation of the brake system cooling of a formula. In addition, we have carried out complete vehicle simulations or used this tool for the development of parts such as those mentioned above (spoiler and intake).

Row - Boat

The objective of the project was an innovative design of a competition boat for two rowers. The design of the bearings was also carried out, which are the pieces anchored to the boat where the oars are attached. The result was a daring design featuring the bearings and the “Ax Bow” type bow, which reduces pitching allowing for greater cruising speed. The success of this project lies in the combination of design, knowledge of composite materials and advanced engineering.

To determine the optimal values ​​of length, beam and draft, genetic optimization algorithms were used. In addition, different hull geometries were evaluated using a simplified method to evaluate resistance due to wave formation, and the most promising ones were subsequently studied using fluid dynamic simulation. Finally, the study of structures and the definition of the lamination was carried out. All this without leaving aside aesthetics and ergonomics.

Skiff doble de competicion diseñado por Ingeniacity para Rubenetti

Olympic shooting

Another example of collaboration can be the design of secondary but essential elements for the development of the activity.

The case we show is for a Paralympic shooting athlete for whom a support table was designed for the weapon that is attached to the wheelchair. The main objective of the project was to lighten it for transport reasons, but it also had to be removable and at the same time very stable and rigid so as not to lose precision when shooting.

The result was a carbon fiber table, with joints manufactured by 3D printing and later covered with carbon fiber.

Mesa de tiro paralímpico de fibra de carbono, diferentes fotos de la mesa y su uso


This project combines the three objectives that collaboration between engineering and sport can have. That is, the aim is to improve the design of the surfboard, the application of new materials was carried out to improve its behavior and its sensorization was also carried out to obtain acceleration and position data during its use.

To generate a digital model faithful to reality, tests were previously carried out with different loads in different positions. The generated model allows the static and dynamic simulation of the table for its optimization and improvement of behavior.

The project is completed with the sensorization of a board and the performance of a sea trial that allowed graphs of accelerations and orientations of the board to be obtained for subsequent analysis.

mapa de cargas de presiones transversales y logitudinales en una tabla de surf


In one way or another, the combination between engineering and sport is a reality and allows very notable improvements in results. We have commented in more detail on the main projects we have carried out in relation to sport, but they have not been the only ones, below is a sample of other sports.


We simulate the impact of a golf ball at 35m/s, taking into account its hyperelastic and viscoelastic behavior.

Water polo

Another case that we have reproduced through simulation is that of a water polo ball entering and leaving the water.

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